A soft breeze caresses the colorful plants cascading from the containers on the stone wall and carries the scent of the jasmine blooming in the corner.
A tiny sunbird announces a visit to the birdbath situated on the far end of the wall. She drinks from the luke-warm water in the shallow stone saucer, and decides not to take a bath after all. Instead she elegantly glides down to the neighbours’ olive tree, to enjoy an insect-breakfast.
One of the dogs basks herself in the sun with eyes closed and head lifted.
Upon hearing a sound, he opens his eyes - perhaps that naughty cat tries to enter their territory again. A bee buzzes happily towards an awaiting feast of flowering lavender, while the other purple flowers attract a dainty butterfly. An irritating fly keeps the dogs out of their beauty sleep. They snap at the imposter, who makes a come-back after they drift off again.
In the nearby gardens birds sing and chirp – nothing but sounds of nature. The infuriating noise of a car alarm suddenly shatters the peace and quiet of the Jerusalem Shabbat morning.