The plane prepares to land at Stockholm Airport. From my window seat I spot the spreading forests below, glad to see that in Sweden autumn has begun. Huge patches of golden brown light up between dark areas of evergreens.
Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons, and the only thing I miss living in Israel, are the colors of autumn. The planted forests contain mainly evergreens and pine trees, and the few that do color, usually quickly shed their leaves, leaving only a bare trunk to remind us that winter is coming.
The view from my sister’s house is breathtaking. Deeply inhaling the fresh, crisp and clean air, I try to absorb the scene that stretches out like a postcard in front of me. The green field borders a lake that is encircled by yellow reed. I spot a few red-brown painted barn houses on the lightly upward sloping ground; behind them the forest begins. Trees of different shapes and heights are painted in shades varying from deep to light green, blending into brownish yellow and ochre, to a yellow red.
The early morning sun lights up the scene, turning the yellow into gold. The dark grey, heavy clouds promising rain make the contrast even more beautiful.
I sigh deeply. What a place! The only things I hear are the cows in the distant and some birds. This unexpected holiday has only just begun, but I already feel the soothing beauty of Sweden’s nature work in me.
The bright blue sky, with only a handful of fluffy clouds, promises a pleasant day.
A soft breeze caresses the colorful plants cascading from the containers on the stone wall and carries the scent of the jasmine blooming in the corner.
A tiny sunbird announces a visit to the birdbath situated on the far end of the wall. She drinks from the luke-warm water in the shallow stone saucer, and decides not to take a bath after all. Instead she elegantly glides down to the neighbours’ olive tree, to enjoy an insect-breakfast.
One of the dogs basks herself in the sun with eyes closed and head lifted.
After a while she rolls onto her side, sighs deeply and drifts off to sleep. The other - long-haired - dog prefers the cool tiles under the gazebo.
Upon hearing a sound, he opens his eyes - perhaps that naughty cat tries to enter their territory again. A bee buzzes happily towards an awaiting feast of flowering lavender, while the other purple flowers attract a dainty butterfly. An irritating fly keeps the dogs out of their beauty sleep. They snap at the imposter, who makes a come-back after they drift off again.
In the nearby gardens birds sing and chirp – nothing but sounds of nature. The infuriating noise of a car alarm suddenly shatters the peace and quiet of the Jerusalem Shabbat morning.